My mission at Hope Recovery Nac is to provide Christian life coaching and counseling that is biblically based and Christ-centered, including addiction & pastoral counseling and trauma recovery coaching for women, both adolescents and adults. HRN is dedicated to guiding women toward recovery, restoration, and spiritual growth. Through compassionate and evidence-based approaches, HRN aims to empower women to break free from the chains of hopelessness and recover Hope and healing by transforming their lives. HRN strives to inspire and empower women to live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and lasting recovery, rooted in Faith and guided by the teachings of Christ.

There is much intention behind why HRN’s logo is a butterfly/cross along with Romans15:13 Here are a few reasons why the Butterfly and cross so perfectly embody what you can expect when choosing HRN:
The Cross
When I think about the cross, I am reminded of the crucifixion of Jesus as an intervention of God, reestablishing the covenant between God and people. The cross can be interpreted as a sign of hope, representing the forgiveness of sins and God's reconciliation with humanity. Christian believers also understand the symbol as a sign of victory. The hope that rose with Christ is what we claim as Christians. For me, the cross symbolizes this hope, and through my thoughts, words, and actions, I can glorify God by witnessing this hope. As God allows me to journey alongside those looking to recover hope, I look to the cross of Christ for direction.

The Butterfly
The Bible doesn't mention actual butterflies, but it is full of scripture about what butterflies symbolize. Butterflies are creatures of transformation. They represent new beginnings, transformation, and change. When the butterfly emerges, it symbolizes our emerging new in Christ. We can think of the caterpillar as our old self. When the caterpillar turns into a cocoon, we can think of that as the transformation period where Jesus begins working on our hearts. When the butterfly emerges, it symbolizes us emerging new in Christ. That is what choosing to have Hope in Christ is like. We shed our hopelessness and emerge in a new life of Hope, recovered and restored in Christ. In my journey to recovering Hope, the butterfly reminds me that God is my Hope, and his grace transforms me daily.